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Dr Mike Matthews MB, BS. Editor Shared Care
My research showed that 68 out of 88 people (77%) who used my self-hypnosis - positive thinking skills technique had clinically significant improvement.
Now YOU can download the same techniques for Acne and also A Slimmer You, Agoraphobia, Back Pain, Carers, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraine, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Attacks/Anxiety, Premenstrual Tension, Relaxation/Sleep - FREE DOWNLOAD as an MP3 file.
Thank you for visiting Shared Care. We exist to put together sufferers of problems and people who can help those problems. If you are a therapist please may I invite you to join our lists or if you know a suitable therapist in your area please may I ask you to invite them to join our lists. Thanks (ed.)
Natural Cures from Shared Care
Last modified 2014-01-08 03:37
Mike Matthews, Editor of Share Care - Google+ Profile
Natural Cures from Shared Care is a free guidebook to help you find out about natural cures and remedies and the problems helped by each one. We also list practitioners, support groups and services for our communities.
Not all natural cures, natural remedies will help all sufferers but those listed have helped many. Please see our views on the use of the term "cure" in claims by therapies and practitioners.
How to Help in an Emergency
The editorial board are committed to encouraging people to learn the basics of emergency first-aid - basic life support (BLS). I was for many years a lecturer in first aid to my local branch of the British Red Cross (ed.). In the USA contact American Red Cross.
For appropriately skilled lay people and professionals we advocate an online course (first-time or continuing education) in Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
How to Use Natural Cures from Shared Care
There are many routes through the site, but most of our visitors find their problem in the list below and follow the link to the page for that problem. On each problem's page we list the natural cures that may help that problem together with practitioners of those natural cures listed by country (see the section marked "practitioners list" and the link at the top of the page to that section - for example see Acupuncture Practitioners List.
Also listed on each problem's page are the practitioners who have a special interest in that problem, links to relevant resources such as books and equipment and organisations that give help and advice.
You may prefer to check out the Natural Cure that suits you from our categories of Talking Therapies, Teaching Therapies, Toxin Detection Therapies, Touching Therapies, Tablet Therapies, Other Therapies and World Therapies and then visit the page and check out if it is noted as helping your problem.
We are conscious that there are few places where you can find information about places to eat and stay, tourist attractions, details of towns and travel providers that take an interest in those groups of people who have special needs due to allergy, mobility difficulties or visual problems and we list some of them as well.
At the bottom of each page you will find a section of links to the smallprint stuff and an eclectic mix of Challenges, Ebooks, and health news sites.
This small selection of our articles will show you some of the general philosophy of natural remedies from shared care:-
Natural Dry Skin Remedies That Work Well for the Cold Season | Some helpful advice on dealing with problem skins when its cold |
A Therapist's View | A fascinating insight into one therapists views and journey |
4 Tips for Maintaining a Healthier, Happier Home After a Divorce | A good resource for getting over divorce |
Let Them Eat Muck | Being too clean with your babies makes them more liable to get Allergies - find out why |
Obesity and Osteoarthritis, How Strong is the Connection? | Evidence that obesity and osteoarthritis are linked and an overview |
Fibromyalgia - What You Need to Know | Helpful advice about fibromyalgia |
Please see the full list of articles and editorials |
Natural Cures and Their Practitioners to Help Those Problems
Email me at editor(at) with your name, username and I will register you so that you can ..... |
Places to Eat and Stay, Tourist, Town and Travel Guides
Please look at the things of a "small print" nature.
We hope that you find the information in Shared Care's Natural Cures helpful!
Mike Matthews and Phil Kilner - The Shared Care Team
Other Helpful Things
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Please note:-Shared Care takes no responsibility for the safety, accuracy, style or otherwise of any external site to which we are linked and linking does not imply an endorsement of the linked site or its contents. |
Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care. |
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of Natural Cures from Shared Care. Thanks (ed.) |
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