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Natural Cures
Why do we use the terms "natural remedies", "therapy" and "natural cure" interchangeably? Find out more here!
These pages are NOT a medical textbook. A doctor MUST confirm any diagnosis.
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What does the NHS Crisis say to Complementary Therapy
Practitioners of natural remedies should organise.


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Features and Articles of Interest

The following are our editorials and articles contributed by our members who have been invited by me to contribute (ed.).

All have something useful to say about natural remedies, from a patient's or practitioners viewpoint; about specific natural remedies or matters of a more global interest to users or practitioners.

Advice about swine flu and drugs
A good resource for help getting over divorce
One patient's experience of natural remedies
Beware the extravagant claims of some treatments!
A fascinating insight into one therapists views and journey
Health benefits are abundant if you remember to breathe
An overview of problems of bullying
A helpful approach to the problems of bullying in childhood
A view of complementary medicine from a chiropracter newly qualified
Fascinating article about brain function, disorders of certain areas and the effects of cannabis on those.
Research has shown that cannabis can be helpful in insomnia especially in multiple sclerosis.
Leave negative thinking in the past, create a positive future with this one simple phrase.
Acupuncture has been shown to improve rates of pregnancy and live birth.
Outline of the way that energy medicine can be employed in diabetes
An effective plan to encourage the awkward and difficult child
Extensive information about FM and the benefits of Energy Medicine
How to live peacefully
How to deal with fear in a positive and constructive way
Helpful advice about fibromyalgia
How to survive the current financial mess
Some general advice about measures to remain healthy.
Lots of common sense advice about the importance of beds and support in back pain and insomnia
Advice about weight loss
Advice from an acupuncturist on choosing an acupuncturist
The House of Lords report on allergy and its implications for the patient and testing services
Cannabis ointment can help fibromyalgia, MS and headaches. How to make it here.
Live with integrity
Being too clean with your babies predisposes them to Allergies - find out why
A helpful guide to dealing with the emotional side of cancer
Living and providing for a family who are gluten allergic is much easier than I at first thought.
Placebo is good medicine.
By choosing healthy lifestyle choices we can enjoy the shade for years to come
Mainline medicine is good for some things but not all. Shared Care's view on this
Some helpful advice on dealing with problem skins when its cold
Why is health such a vague and elusive goal for so many of us?
Evidence that obesity and osteoarthritis are linked and an overview
The great asset for complementary medicine, lost from the mainstream
Acupuncture is helpful for pain
How eating raw fish (or even cooked fish) can cause allergies and the risks involved for you.
I realised that I was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Dealing with difficult people
The Hope Network is an online ministry providing educational and spiritual support to survivors of trauma and/or crisis
Does The "gold standard" trial algorithm work for natural remedies?
Change your attitude to your health and gain benefit
That weight loss is an effective treatment for osteoarthritis is demonstrated here by Dr Matthew Constantin
Practitioners of natural remedies should organise.
Showing your best self
Mainstream medicine is not necessarily clinically validated nor scientifically sound


Other Helpful Things

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Natural Cures from Shared Care's Smallprint

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Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care.
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of Articles. Thanks (ed.)


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