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4 Tips for Maintaining a Healthier, Happier Home After a Divorce

Last modified 2015-10-07 12:41
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In 2012, there were more than in the U.S. After divorce, it’s not uncommon to depressed, lonely, guilty, anxious, and a host of other negative feelings. One way to work through post-divorce negativity is to, literally, get your house in order. Whether you’ll be staying in the home you shared with your ex or moving to a new home, taking some time to organize and revamp your living space can help bring the positive change you’ll be needing as you seek to enjoy post-divorce life.

Plant a Mood-Boosting Garden explains that men are 6 times more likely to experience than people still in relationships and women are 3.5 time more likely. That’s why it’s great to add a mood-boosting garden to your home after a divorce. As Rodale’s Organic Life explains some foods can act as and you can grow them right in your own backyard. Great options include swiss chard, blue potatoes, cherry tomatoes, black-eyed peas, and more.

Learn Some Fix-It Basics

If it has been a while since you lived alone, you may need to brush up on your home repair skills. When you know you can handle minor home disruptions and repairs on your own, you’ll have peace of mind. Though this is directed at young people, it actually serves as a great introduction to tools and easy home projects for beginners and anyone looking to brush up on their skills. Knowing that you can take care of your home when problems arise will be a huge confidence booster.

Rearrange the Furniture

After a divorce, your home interior might start to look a little stale. suggests that is a great way to gain new perspective and move on after your break up. It is a positive way to squash the past and make a fresh start. Thoroughly clean your new residence. If you do move into a new home, it’s best to take steps to make sure it’s properly cleaned before you move in. As this article on explains, many animal and critter allergens can hang around long after their “owners” are gone. When moving into a new place, it recommends finding out what kind of pets lived there previously, washing the walls and ceilings, and if possible, removing rugs and carpets to have hardwoods installed instead. Making these changes will help rid your home of allergens so that you can be physically healthy as you begin to enjoy your post-divorce life. There is nothing easy about going through a divorce. But having a healthy, happy home will definitely make recovering from your divorce pain a little easier. Whether it’s redecorating, planting some joy-inducing plants, or moving out altogether, some changes in scenery may be just what you need to get back on your feet.


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