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A Therapists's View

Last modified 2014-03-16 15:58 ­

I write to share with you ideas, information and concepts that have helped to open my eyes and heart to wider views and inner discovery, ultimately leading to a deeper spirituality.

Introductions first! I live within the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Home is a typical dales farmhouse standing eleven hundred feet above sea level, so there is generally a strong breeze! However as I write this, today is beautiful: clear skies, bright sunshine, perfectly calm and still – one of our paradise days – they do happen! The landscape is one of open-ness, uninterrupted views of hills and valleys, so much enjoyed by visitors. The National Park is geared for tourism. It is popular with photographers and artists who come to capture on film and canvas this natural beauty. They often mention that here especially, they find the light has an iridescence of unusual quality. (We have no light pollution, hence the clarity of the skies.) Could this be the reason for the ancient Stone Circle located on the moor behind the house, which stands on a ley line linking with Stonehenge? Thinking of this spiritual connection of light, ley lines and sacred monument, it seems fitting that holistic therapy is taught and practised at Fancarl House. The house is south-facing, so the large window of the therapy room catches the sunlight and moonlight – light therapy for free!

The holistic therapy manifests simply because it is meant to be. I never advertise, yet people come from both here and abroad, and I sincerely believe it is just that – the connections and contacts are sacred and meant.

So how did it all happen?..... A love of feet led to Reflexology, and later, an illness that took me through a "near death experience" promoted healing awareness that had lain dormant for the first half of my life. I began researching the human energy field, discovered how the colours within light affect us on all levels: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. I connected with Quantum physics and my understanding of vibrational energy medicine deepened.

Many of these "new" discoveries were in antithesis to some of the scientific concepts that I had, in earlier life, so painstakingly learned. The quote "the mind is like a parachute: it works best when it is open", came to my rescue. As I opened up my mind, my awareness began to grow and expand. The Jewish word "Kabbalah" means to receive. This aptly explains what happened to me. I "received" heightened sensitivities and intuition and a deeper therapy emerged, that of rebalancing the human energy field. Is is basically a therapeutic balancing of the body, on all levels, utilising various techniques, including reflexology, colour therapy, mind visualisation and other advanced vibrational medicine skills. It is difficult to describe in words its true nature, but it works by resonance. A silent tuning fork placed alongside another emitting a note, will by resonance begin to vibrate and emit the same note. That's it – in a nutshell! It is simple but complex. Paradoxically by stimulating energy to flow through the body faster, body relaxation deepens. Keeping the energy field clean and repaired maintains strength and support for the whole body, thereby keeping the system "balanced". What is balance? The medical term is "homeostasis" – when the body is in perfect harmony. The pressures and stress of modern living destroy, distort and weaken our energy field. A strong clear energy field promotes well-ness, whereas a weakened energy field allows susceptibility to illness or "dis-ease".

I treat at home but also volunteer therapy at the Cancer Care Centre based at our local hospice. The clients enjoy the "something special" therapy, as they call it, and find it assists their pain, empowers them to cope and has often contributed to their eventual well-ness. This non-invasive therapy works on a deep level and is for all age groups and situations.

My work involves therapy with children, several of whom are victims of abuse and trauma. They find the gentleness of this treatment appealing and comforting and if touch is not appropriate, the therapy can be applied without touch with the same effect. Their imagination, response and understanding is a joy. Over time they become more aware and more in tune with their own energy field and are aware when their "systems" are both in and out of balance, which is empowering. Reflexology is especially popular with children.

Light, colour, sunlight, moonlight, emotions, thought processes, therapeutic touch, music, laughter, birdsong, rivers, oceans, scenery, seasons, friendships, self-esteem, poetry, prose, nourishing food, meditation, prayer... the list is endless – all have an impact on health; everything affects our energy field. We are truly holistic in nature, mathematically and geometrically precise in our make-up.

The words written within the biblical text of Psalm 139, honour and acknowledge the miracle that we are.

"You created my inmost being
You knit me together in my mother's womb
I praise You because I am
Fearfully and wonderfully made."

These words echo so well how I regard our systems. As someone said, "We make ourselves so small" and we so often disregard how wonderfully we are made. I hope these words have promoted stimulation for your mind's "parachute" and your imagination. I quote Einstein's words - "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

I leave you with the eastern word "Namaste" meaning "I greet the spirit within you that is within me". This expresses so beautifully in a single word the inter-connection of all beings and echoes the "web of life" philosophy within the culture of the North American Indians and many other ancient traditions.

Sincerely Ann



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