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Meditate Now!
In order to have a meditation practice, you must practice meditation. This free Meditate Now MiniCourse & Ezine helps you to establish meditation as a regular part of your life with encouraging messages.


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What is Meditation

Meditation is practiced in a wide variety of ways, so it is not simply one method or modality. Some speak about mystical experiences and higher consciousness, while others are more comfortable talking about relaxation, calmness, and resilience. Heightened awareness, intuition, imagery, and general well-being are frequently used to describe experiences of a regular practice of meditation.

It's helpful to distinguish between the "form" of meditation and the "state" of meditation.

The most common "form" or technique of meditation is to sit quietly in a comfortable position for a specific period of time, usually 15-60 minutes, at regular intervals once or twice a day or several times a week.

The "state" of meditation is described in various ways, including such ideas as feeling euphoric, peaceful, strong, vibrant, connected to the Divine. It is a state of non-resistance.

During the meditation time, most meditators select a focus for their attention. Examples of a focus are the breath, a word or mantra, a guiding voice, gentle music, an image, a candle, a constant sound like a fan. It's important to select a focus that holds the attention without stirring up a lot of thoughts.

No matter how or where you meditate, it is the regular practice of meditation over time that yields full benefits. Meditating when stressed may be beneficial in the immediate situation, but the long-term benefits of a regular practice include general well-being, health, a strong immune system, longevity, clarity of thought, and balance.

Meditation is sometimes associated with certain religions. Meditation can be practised in any and all religions, but the two are not synonymous.

My thanks to Jeanie Marshall Personal Development Consultant (ed.)

For details about how we classify our natural remedies and the lists see

Chakra Meditation Balancing and Healing

This video presents a complete chakra balancing & healing session. Working from the base chakra up to the crown chakra using unique sounds and colors. You are left feeling totally refreshed and energized!

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What Does Meditation Help?

Meditation helps these problems:-

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Home Remedies and Relevant Articles from our Contributors

Home remedies are anything from "homework", food or nutritional supplements, exercises, reading, our featured articles and so on. Natural Remedies from Shared Care offers:-

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Where Do Shared Care's Therapists Practice?

Who Are Our Meditation Therapists?

Therapists for Meditation in these countries:-


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Where Are Our Therapists, Whatever Their Therapy?

The lists of therapists' organisations by country are also on these pages


Find the list of therapists listed by therapy from the appropriate therapy page. For example, osteopaths from osteopathy and so on.


How to Help your Therapist

You will have certain questions that you want to ask your therapist about the natural cure and your therapist will have standard questions to ask you about yourself.

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Meditation Schools

There are many people and small organisations worldwide teaching meditation, which is an integral part of most of the other "talking" therapies. Please see also , and especially it's relaxation section for examples.

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Other Helpful Things

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Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care.
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of Meditation. Thanks (ed.)


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