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[Problems Helped by Pilates] | [Pilates Teachers' List] | [How to Help your Teacher] | [Pilates Teachers' Organisations] | [Where do Shared Care's Therapists/Teachers Practice?] | |
Mike Matthews, Author and Editor of Shared Care - Google+ Profile
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of body conditioning which involves exercising both the body and the mind. Pilates is a technique which was developed to improve functional strength and flexibility leading to better body alignment without increasing muscular bulk.
The Pilates quality of movement is more important than performing ever increasing monotonous numbers of repetitions. This is achieved by the application of six fundamental principles of :- Breathing, Concentration, Control, Centring, Precision and Flow
An efficient breathing technique is developed, in order to efficiently oxygenate tissues, improve concentration and gain maximum benefit from the exercise programme.
This is the key element to connecting the mind and the body during the exercise period. Pilates believed that all of our actions originate in the mind, which means that concentration, and focus on the exercise will increase performance and body awareness. This element is also helpful in gaining relaxation and stress reduction.
If the exercises are performed slowly with perfect control then the risk of injury will be minimised and maximum benefit gained. Every Pilates exercise has a specific purpose and should be performed correctly with control every time.
Pilates referred to the muscles in the centre of the body the "Powerhouse", consisting of the abdomen, pelvic floor, lower back hips and buttocks. Concentrating on strengthening these muscles will support the spine and improve posture. All energy for Pilates exercises starts at the centre and flows out to the furthest parts of the body. This provides a strong foundation for everyday movements and activities.
All Pilates exercises have a purpose and in order to improve their quality they must be carried out with absolute precision. This precision helps to improve posture and re-align the muscles in the body. It is better to carry out a few exercises properly than many which are not accurately executed.
Pilates exercises should be performed with fluidity in order to gain benefit in terms of mind and body development. There are no static movements, because our bodies are meant to function continuously and gracefully. Exercise should be performed slowly and elegantly as if performing a Waltz.
Pilates Benefits
The application of these six principles over time will help to improve balance, co-ordination, relaxation, posture and body awareness in order to cope with the demands of everyday life. Pilates is functional and can be of benefit to a great many people at different levels, depending upon their individual capabilities, needs and future goals.
(My thanks to Ian Sinclair MREP for this introduction (ed.))
Pilates is one of Natural Remedies from Shared Care's teaching therapies together with Alexander Technique, Bowen Technique, T'ai Chi and Yoga.
For details about how we classify our natural remedies and the lists see the natural remedies home page
Beginner Pilates Workout
A Pilates total abs and core workout video you can do in five minutes.
Natural Cures from Shared Care is not responsible for any advertisements contained in these videos
What Does Pilates Help?
Pilates helps these problems:-
Incontinence |
Insomnia |
Lumbago, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Back Pain |
Physical Disabilities |
Pregnancy and Childbirth |
Home Remedies and Relevant Articles from our Contributors
Home remedies are anything from "homework", food or nutritional supplements, exercises, reading, our featured articles and so on. Natural Remedies from Shared Care offers:-
Selfhelp Books for Pilates | Priced in GB pounds |
Other Products for Pilates | Priced in GB pounds |
Selfhelp Books for Pilates | Priced in US Dollars |
Other Products for Pilates | Priced in US Dollars |
Where Do Shared Care's Therapists/Teachers Practice?
Where Are Our Pilates Therapists?
Teachers of Pilates in these countries:-
Australia | Canada | Great Britain |
India | Ireland | New Zealand |
South Africa | The United States of America | |
Other Countries |
Email me at editor(at) with your name, username and I will register you so that you can ..... |
Where Are Our Therapists, Whatever Their Therapy?
The lists of therapists' organisations by country are also on these pages
Australia | Canada | Great Britain |
India | Ireland | New Zealand |
South Africa | United States of America | |
Other Countries |
Find the list of therapists listed by therapy from the appropriate therapy page. For example, osteopaths from osteopathy and so on.
Where Are Our Practices?
Australia | Canada | Great Britain |
India | Ireland | New Zealand |
South Africa | United States of America | |
Other Countries |
How to Help your Teacher
You will have certain questions that you want to ask your teacher about the Pilates and your teacher will have standard questions to ask you about yourself.
Pilates Teacher Organisations
Please note that the qualifications and requirements for a teacher to be registered may vary markedly from organisation to organisation.
The home country of the organisation is listed. Although their therapist lists are likely to be limited to their own countries most will provide more information, advice, contacts and help wherever you live:-
Pilates Foundation | Great Britain | National |
Pilates Schools
Various schools and colleges will train people to be practitioners of Pilates. Although their courses may be limited to their own countries some may provide international distance learning. Please check them out carefully to ensure they meet your requirements
Please email editor(at) with the name and URL of your suggestions for additional organisations.
Other Helpful Things
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Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care. |
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of Pilates. Thanks (ed.) |
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