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Getting Healthy When You Are Not Insured

Last modified 2014-03-18 12:20

Having health and life insurance is something that many people do in order to make sure that they can get the treatment that they need when they are unwell. However, there are some people who cannot afford to do this and so do not have insurance. There are other ways that you can get healthy without the insurance, if you need them.

  • Pay With Savings
    If you need medical treatment then you could use savings that you have to pay for it. This could be a way of affording things without having to pay insurance each month. You could actually save some money each month instead of paying the insurance in order to pay for it. This may not work if you are not well disciplined when it comes to saving money or if you need treatment that is more expensive than the money that you saved.
  • Pay With Loans
    Some people will borrow money to pay for the treatment that they need. This will work out very expensive as interest will have to be paid for it and it could take a long time to pay back the money. If more treatment is needed, then it may not be possible to borrow more money and so this could lead to trouble.
  • Have No Treatment
    It is possible for people not to have any treatment at all. Some illnesses may not need medical treatment anyway, but it does depend on the condition that is being treated. Some illnesses will have a quicker recovery time with treatment; some have no cure and the illness just needs to take its course. Other conditions need treatment or else the person may be extremely unwell and may die.
  • Have A Healthy Lifestyle
    Having a healthy lifestyle cannot guarantee that you will not get unwell, but it can certainly help. Eating healthy foods, exercising regularly and keeping stress levels low can have a massive influence on health. These things can cost no money and they will make a big difference. In the end these measures could even lower your and also save you money in other life finances.

Without health insurance there are ways that you can get healthy. However, you may find that you have to pay for treatment from your savings or using money that you have borrowed. You may have to go without treatment and this can be okay in some cases, but it depends on what is wrong with you. Having a healthy lifestyle can help to reduce the risk of needing treatment in the first place.

This article is especially relevant for our visitors from the United States of America (ed.)


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