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Natural Remedies for Diabetes

What is Diabetes?

This page refers to Diabetes Mellitus which is controlled by diet alone or diet with pills. Insulin dependent diabetes MUST have proper mainstream medical supervision

Diabetes Mellitus Types and Causes

Diabetes Mellitus (or more more usually just diabetes) needs to be distinguished from the much rarer diabetes insipidus, a condition of abnormal bodily water control and is a common condition.

Diabetes falls into two types, rather prosaically called type one (insulin dependent diabetes) and type two (non-insulin dependent diabetes).

Both types of diabetes are related to strain of the islets of langerhans in the pancreas which produce the hormone insulin. Insulin controls the level of glucose in the body and a reduced blood concentration of insulin causes abnormally high levels of circulating blood glucose. Long term this has a damaging effect on all the body's organs and can lead to all kinds of serious problems. Neglected type two diabetes can progress to type one when the cells of the islets of langerhans become so strained that they die.

Insulin Dependent Diabetes

Insulin dependent diabetes is the more serious condition and may be an auto-immune state in which the body destroys the islets of langerhans which produce insulin. Patients with this problem need the insulin to be provided by injection to maintain correct blood sugar levels.

Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes

Non-insulin dependent diabetes occurs, by contrast, when the islets of langerhans are overworked rather than damaged or destroyed and can still be stimulated by tablets or their workload eased by .

Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms of diabetes may include weight loss, thirst, , frequent infections and poor circulation especially in the extremities. It is a particular problem when it accompanies . These either alone or especially in combination can lead to gangrene and stroke. However most cases, especially of type two diabetes, are found at a check-up and are symptomless in the early stages.

Also helpful may be our pages about , and .

What Helps Diabetes?

Diabetes Overview

How diabetes occurs and how to treat it. Watching this video will improve knowledge and help self management.

Natural Cures from Shared Care is not responsible for any advertisements contained in these videos

Diabetes Treatment


In the more serious cases of Type Two Diabetes Treatment is by tablets that stimulate the islets to produce more insulin. These can include Glibenclamide, Glicazide and Metformin. There are many others. Dietary control is important to reduce the strain on the islets as is weight loss.

In severe progressive cases of type two diabetes insulin may be necessary. This is given by injection although some promising less invasive methods of administration are in the pipeline.


Home Remedies and Relevant Articles from our Contributors

Home remedies are anything from "homework", food or nutritional supplements, exercises, reading, our featured articles and so on. Natural Remedies from Shared Care offers:-

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Outline of the way that energy medicine can be employed in diabetes

Natural Cures for Diabetes

We explain what we mean by natural cures, natural remedies, home remedies.

Please also check out Approaches Individual to the Practitioner for other therapies and treatments.

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Who Can Help Diabetes?

Who has a Special Interest in Diabetes?

Please click on the MORE INFORMATION link for fuller details.

Kay Goldstein San Francisco,  California,   United States of America

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Diabetes Support Groups

The home country of the group is listed. Most will provide more information, advice, contacts and help wherever you live:-

Australia National
Canada Alberta
Canada National
Great Britain National
India National
New Zealand National
South Africa National
United States of America National
United States of America National
United States of America National

Please email editor(at) with the name and URL of your suggestions for additional groups.

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Where You Can Eat, Stay and Visit

Help in finding restaurants, cafes, hotels, resorts, towns, beaches, travel companies and so on that are user friendly for our communities.

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Other Helpful Things

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Any testimonials (in italics) are the views of the contributors as posted on the relevant website and not those of Shared Care.
Please let us know at editor(at) if you have any comments about our coverage of Natural Remedies for Diabetes. Thanks (ed.)


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