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Living without wheat gluten - don't be daunted!
Living and providing for a family who are gluten allergic is much easier than I at first thought.


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[Town Guide for the Same County] [Tourist Guide for the Same County]

Establishment Details

Please note that it is assumed that all the recommended establishments provide acceptable services. They all would provide food and accommodation which is satisfactory for their category. So a hotel should give a more extensive service than a guest house or bed and breakfast establishment and a restaurant a more "upmarket" cuisine than a cafe.

Laundry Court Coffee House

Type of EstablishmentCoffee Shop

NameLaundry Court Coffee House
First line of AddressKirkharle Courtyard
Second line of AddressKirkwhelpington
CountyTyne and Wear
PostcodeNE19 2PE

Phone01830 540353

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Scoring Results
1 2 3 4 5
Mean Score =
3.00 from 1

Community CategoryThe Community for People with Mobility Difficulties
Score for that Category3
Comment for that CategoryPlenty of car parking, short walk to coffee house. Slightly restricted acccess, but all facilities on the level
Posted Bymike


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Town Guide Entries for the Same County

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Tourist Guide Entries for the Same County

Please click on the "MORE INFORMATION" link for fuller details.

Industrial Site Souter Lighthouse SUNDERLAND


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