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Positive Thinking Skills MP3 Downloads

has shown that 68 out of 88 people (77%) who used self-hypnosis - positive thinking skills techniques had clinically significant improvement.

Now YOU can download the same techniques for     and also  ,    ,    ,    ,    ,    ,    ,    ,    ,       as an MP3 file.

Research Results for Hypnotherapy and Hypnotherapy Tapes

Last modified 2014-04-25 16:33


Back Pain Taped - A study to identify the effectiveness of a taped hypnotherapy intervention for Back Pain using an interrupted time series design.


Back pain is a major problem not normally treated by hypnotherapy. A study with appropriate numbers of participants was needed to reinforce past work showing the efficacy of a "menu" technique and to show how research is possible to be performed by a lone investigator in order to encourage others to perform clinical research. The study outlines the use of a repeated measure design of trial to elucidate the above. 55 participants completed a study performed over 18 weeks. The first 21 days determined a baseline measurement. For the remainder of the time the participant was offered an audiotaped intervention. Daily symptom scores (pain, difficulties in standing, sitting, walking and sleeping) were kept for the first 21 days and on one day a week for the last 15 weeks.

From the analysis there was a statistically significant reduction (p<0.005) in all mean symptom scores overall. Clinically significant improvements were found in 40 (72.7%) at the last three week period.

Matthews M, (2000) Back Pain Taped A study to identify the effectiveness of a taped hypnotherapy intervention for Back Pain using an interrupted time series design.
Hypnos (The Journal of The European Society of Hypnosis) Vol27 no2

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A study to identify the effectiveness of a taped hypnotherapy intervention for migraine using an interrupted time series design


Few trials have been performed investigating the use of hypnotherapy alone in migraine. A study was needed to demonstrate that the anecdotal efficiency of hypnotherapy was also borne out by a rigorous investigation.This study outlines the use of a repeated measures trial designed to show the efficacy of this form of intervention in migraine. 29 participants were entered into a study performed over 27 weeks, which 23 completed. The first 12 weeks determined a baseline measurement. For the remaining 15 weeks each participant was offered an audiotaped intervention. Daily symptom scores (headaches, tingling,nausea, vomiting, post-headache tiredness and other) were kept.

From the analysis 19 (83% of 23) participants had an overall reduction in symptomatology.The overall results of the study show a significant (p= 0.005) reduction in symptom scores.

Matthews M, Flatt S. (1999) A study to identify the effectiveness of a taped hypnotherapy intervention for migraine using an interrupted time series design
Hypnos (The Journal of The European Society of Hypnosis) Vol26 no2

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Hypnosis in Premenstrual Syndrome


The textbooks do not mention the use of hypnosis in premenstrual syndrome and yet it is noticeably affected by psychological factors that may benefit from hypnotherapy. This is a very small observational study in 12 consecutive patients presenting in one general practice with premenstrual syndrome who agreed to take part. They completed a questionnaire at the base consultation and at six months and one year. The scores out of twenty four were multiplied by the proportion of each cycle they were affected to get a global score of their problem. They then had a standard "menu" style hypnosis technique at the start and again at 12 weeks.

One lady worsened and was put on hormonal therapy and one was lost to follow-up. Of the remaining ten nine showed improvements in their scores at one year. The numbers were too small to make statistical analysis meaningful, but the results are very encouraging

Matthews M, (1991)Hypnosis in Premenstrual Syndrome; A clinical trial
Procedings of the British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis 1991 7

See and


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